Unsere Empfehlungen für Anfänger

June 4, 2024
Kitesurf Trip

Ein Kitesurf Guide für Anfänger

Aller Anfang ist schwer, bei jedem Sport. Es erfordert Lernwille und Durchhaltevermögen. Um es bereits vorweg zu nehmen: das ist mit Kitesurfing nicht anders. Aber erst einmal muss man – in den allermeisten Fällen – irgendwohin reisen, damit man das Kitesurfen-Lernen-Abenteuer überhaupt starten kann. Und hier wirds schwierig mit Google, Social Media und Chat GPT. Entweder man landet direkt bei einem Veranstalter, der einen irgendwohin locken möchte oder es werden einem direkt alle Länder dieser Erde um die Ohren geschlagen und man bleibt etwas ratlos zurück. Kiteguide ist kein Veranstalter, hat keine Präferenzen und ist deshalb objektiv.

Das Wichtigste vorweg

Die Wahl des Spots hat erheblichen Einfluss auf deine Lernkurve. Je gnädiger die Bedingungen, desto leichter ist der Einstieg in den Sport. Lasst mich einige Grundsätze gleich festnageln:

  • Lerne nur bei einer VDWS oder IKO zertifizierten Schule, denn so ist sichergestellt, dass der Sport sicher beigebracht wird

  • Wähle den Spot nicht aufgrund der Popularität, denn viele populäre Spots sind nicht für Anfänger geeignet und oft auch überlaufen, was den Einstieg erschwert

  • Kauft Euch kein Equipment, bevor ihr nicht mindestens den Grundkurs absolviert habt

  • Glaubt den Kiteseasons auf Veranstalterseiten nur begrenzt, die wollen auch ihren Umsatz maximieren

  • Nimm dir minestens 1 Woche Zeit und verinnerliche bereits, dass die Natur und damit der Wind nicht 100% vorhersagbar sind

Wenn ihr alle diese Punkte beachtet, dann kann das Auswahlverfahren überhaupt erst beginnen. Fragt gerne eure erfahrenen Kitesurf-Freunde, solltet ihr welche haben und zeigt Ihnen diese Liste. Ich bin mir sicher, dass jeder erfahrene Kitesurfer dies unterschreiben würde.

Wo soll ich wann lernen?

Je nach Monat sind unterschiedliche Regionen fürs Kitesurfen geeignet. Es gibt wenige Regionen, die uneingeschränkt das ganze Jahr gute Bedingungen bieten. Als Faustregel ist im europäischen Winter die Südhalbkugel zu bevorzugen und ab Mai / Juni bis Ende Sommer die Nordhalbkugel mit den europäischen Spots. Für die konkrete Wahl der Spots haben wir bei Kiteguide einige Bedingungen definiert, die zwar nicht in Stein gemeisselt sind, aber sicherlich die Chancen erhöhen, dass die Lernkurve möglichst steil verläuft.

  • Der Spot soll in Peak Season sein, damit die Windwahrscheinlichkeit maximal ist

  • Der Spot soll Flachwasser bieten, damit man einen Stehbereich hat, was das Lernen vereinfacht

  • Gegeben der Tatsache, dass man am Anfang mehr schwimmt als kitet, ist warmes Wasser zu bevorzugen

  • Spots mit Wellen sind denkbar ungeeignet, da es einen Anfänger übermässig überfordert

  • Der Wind sollte bestenfalls Side-Onshore sein, dass man im Notfall an den Strand gespült wird und nicht im offenen Meer landet

  • Ein Rescue Service ist ein Muss

Kitesurfen Lernen in Europa von Mai bis September

Gegeben den obgenannten anfängerfreundlichen Bedingungen können wir folgende Spots für den Einstieg empfehlen.

kitesurfers ready for session in kloster ringköbing denmark
Denmark - Kloster

Kloster, Denmark, a coastal paradise by the North Sea, offers kitesurfers an irresistible blend of consistent winds, dynamic wave conditions, and a touch of Scandinavian allure. Steady northwest winds beckon riders year-round, with peak conditions from May to September. Whether you're chasing adrenaline-pumping waves or seeking a serene spot to harness the wind, Kloster's inviting shores cater to all levels of kitesurfing enthusiasts. Beyond the surf, explore Danish culture, savor local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the coastal charm of Kloster, Denmark. This guide equips you with all you need to know for an exceptional kitesurfing adventure in Kloster.

Lo Stagnone
Italy - Lo Stagnone

Lo Stagnone is a famous Italian lagoon standing wild in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the premium kitesurf spots in and around Italy and Europe. The location is famous for its lush green background, salty beaches, downwinders, and perfect beach breaks. The mirror flat lagoon of Lo Stagnone is wide and surreal with turquoise Mediterranean water, soft summer breeze, and glittery spreads of fine sand. Such favorable kitesurfing conditions help the place to have kiteboarders flying in throughout the year. If you are a kitesurfing noob, a master, or a freestyler, Lo Stagnone lagoon is right here to welcome you with its best reserves. Lo Stagnone is popular as the workout place for kiteboarders. Situated in the Marsala town of the district Trapani, towards the northern territory of Sicily this wild kite spot has an 8 square mile stretch of lagoon. Lo Stagnone offers the perfect trade wind, beach breaks with mirror flat water bed, and beautiful horizons to be stocked at. The wide stretch of beaches offers a sunny sunbathing cradle to the sea beach fanatics. If you are a freestyler, a kiteboarding brat, or simply a first-timer, Lo Stagnone offers you places according to your kitesurfing needs. Whether a laid-back traveler who wants to hang around and soak in the simple beach lifestyle, this lagoon of Italy has everything to lay hands on.

Placeholder 2
Portugal - Murtosa

Murtosa, located in the Aveiro district of Portugal, is known for its cultural history and natural environments. Its significance in the kitesurfing community arises from its excellent wind conditions and scenic views. Murtosa's connection with the Ria de Aveiro lagoon has historically influenced its culture and economy, making it an integral part of the region's identity.

Obidos Lagoon at flat water in Portugal
Portugal - Obidos Lagoon

The Obidos Lagoon is one of the best places in Portugal to start kiteboarding because of the shallow, waist-deep water, which is generally flat and with acres of space. The Lagoon, located one hour north of Lisbon in the Centro Region, is exposed to the full force of the Nortada wind, which is funneled in by the neighboring hills. Summer conditions are ideal, but this is a year-round kiteboarding spot as Obidos works in all wind directions and at all times of the day. There's lots of space to practice as it's generally less crowded than some of the other kite spots nearer to Lisbon. The flat water is perfect for mastering all your tricks, whether that’s relaunching your kite, first jumps, board offs, or busting your first double handle pass. Because the bottom is sandy and there are no channels to draw you out into the ocean, the Obidos Lagoon is a relatively safe area spot to learn to kitesurf, and also offers amazing freestyle kiteboarding conditions for you aspiring pro riders.

Sotavento Lagoon Kitesurfing in Fuerteventura water visible from far surrounded by brown stony and sandy landscape
Spain - Sotavento Lagoon

Sotavento lagoon is a huge lagoon on the Canary island of Fuerteventura. The wind here comes down between two mountains creating a funneling effect, which means the wind at Sotavento is generally a lot stronger than other spots on the island, and offers some of the most consistent windy days on Fuerteventura. It’s been a windsurfing and kitesurfing mecca for many years now and with short flights from Europe, warm weather and great food it’s easy to see why.

Lefkada Lagoon Kitesurfing in Greece image view from far above the beach with stony flat hills
Greece - Lefkada Lagoon

The Kite Spot Lefkada Lagoon is one of three Kite Spots near Lefkada and offers constant thermal wind for kitesurfing, especially in summer. It can get quite crowded here in high season, although the bay is also quite large.  The Lefkada Lagoon Kite Spot is a better known Kite Spot. It is also ideal for kite beginners and great for camping. The Lefkada lagoon, also known as Vassiliki Bay, is a popular kitesurfing spot on the island of Lefkada, Greece. It offers excellent wind conditions and attracts kitesurfing enthusiasts from around the world.

Kitesurfen lernen im europäischen Winter von Oktober bis Februar

Was gibts Besseres als einen gepflegten Winter Escape? Wer bereit ist etwas weiter zu reisen, der kann im eurpäischen Winter sich durchaus das Kitesurfen-Lernen vornehmen. Hier ist das möglich.

Magical view ower green mangroves at Kappalady Lagoon
Sri Lanka - Kalpitiya (Big) Lagoon

Immersed in the raw beauty of Sri Lanka's western coastline, the Kalpitiya Lagoon is not just a destination for kitesurfing; it's a culturally rich oasis that invites exploration and immersion in a world far removed from the ordinary.
A veritable gem for kitesurfers, the lagoon offers an expansive stretch of flat, waist-deep water. This, coupled with the consistent winds driven by two distinct monsoon seasons, provides an environment that serves both beginners and experienced riders. The southwest monsoon from May to September delivers robust winds, while the northeast monsoon, from December to February, offers gentler yet equally engaging conditions.
But Kalpitiya Lagoon is more than just a prime kitesurfing spot; it's a window into an authentic Sri Lankan experience. Framed by palm-dotted shores and vibrant mangrove forests, the lagoon sits adjacent to local fishing villages, offering a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the rhythms of local life. The warm, inviting community shares its rich traditions and local cuisines with visitors, adding another enriching layer to the kitesurfing adventure.
Beyond the villages, the area's biodiversity is a spectacle in its own right. Between kitesurfing sessions, one can venture into a world of natural splendor, observing the local wildlife, such as dolphins and whales, or exploring the nearby Wilpattu National Park.
In essence, kitesurfing in Kalpitiya Lagoon is not merely a sport; it's an adventure intertwining exhilarating kitesurfing experiences with the rich tapestry of local culture and stunning natural beauty. It's not just about riding the wind; it's about embracing a unique journey that will leave you with memories as vivid as the Sri Lankan sunset.

Piece of wood lying in the sand at Barbados Barkers Beach
Cayman Islands - Barkers Beach

The kite spot Barkers Beach is a prime destination for kitesurfer communities. Located on the northwest coasts of Cayman Island, this beach is a secluded nook for solo trippers and gypsies. The area is huge, and there's enough shallow water for kiteboarding beginners. Barkers Beach resides in the heart of Barker's National Park, distant from George Town and Seven Mile Beach. This makes the spot a preferable place to escape all the city noise. If you want to spend some time in solace stocked at the magnificent beach-scapes, stroll around lazy, and kitesurf to your heart's content, say hi to Barker's Beach.

View of way to the spot with palm trees and kites ready to launch
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kitebeach - Union Island

Welcome to Kitebeach, the ultimate flat-water playground for kitesurfers on Union Island! With its perfect blend of tranquil waters and consistent breezes, this spot is a haven for riders seeking smooth sailing and endless stoke. Let's dive into what makes Kitebeach a must-visit destination for kitesurfing enthusiasts.

Kitesurfen Lernen im März und April

März und April sind eher schwierige Monate weltweit fürs Kitesurfen. Es gibt nur wenige Destinationen, die geeignet sind. Allen voran sind sicherlich die karribischen Inseln.

Dakhla Speed Spot Kitesurfing flag in front with Kitesurfers, sea and dunes in the background
Morocco - Dakhla Speed Spot

The Kitesurfing Speed Spot in Dakhla is probably the best known freestyle Kiteboarding Spot in Morocco, with a huge area of butter flat water at low tide, and pumping wind almost every day during the season. The wind blows directly offshore so it’s not a beginner Kite Spot, you need to at the very least be able to kitesurf upwind, and being comfortable with how to self rescue is definitely helpful too! If you come from one of the kite accommodations some offer a boat rescue service but not all, so it’s worth checking how it works before you head out Kitesurfing in Dakhla Speed Spot. It’s a stunning and remote spot in the middle of the desert, but it’s amazing and there's a good reason for its popularity.

The easiest way to get to Dakhla - Speed Spot for Kiteboarding is with a boat, 4x4 or get a ride with a tractor out to the spot, just remember the tide will come in at some point so leave any belongings in a high and dry place. You can also just kite over to speed spot, it will just require a bit of a downwind and then upwind slog but it’s very doable.

Dakhla Main Spot
Morocco - Dakhla Main Spot

The Dakhla Main Kite Spot is a very well known Kite Spot where most time europeans enjoy their passion during all year. There are serves ingenious kite conditions on around 330 kitebare wind days. The 4 kilometers of paradise for freestylers and shallow water fans, where you can either kite or book a transport. The wind is offshore, so do not go out alone.

Kiteguide Top Spots im europäischen Sommer

Frag mich ein Freund oder eine Freundin, was denn meine persönliche Empfehlung ist, dann würde ich diese Spots angeben. Bitte beachten, dass dies meine persönliche Einschätzung basierend auf den Spots sind, die ich kenne. Das ist keine strikte Datenbank Logik, sondern eine Meinung. Für die erfahrenen Kitesurfers: schreibt mir gerne in die Kommentare, wenn ihr diese Liste erweitern würdet und warum.

Lo Stagnone
Italy - Lo Stagnone

Lo Stagnone is a famous Italian lagoon standing wild in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the premium kitesurf spots in and around Italy and Europe. The location is famous for its lush green background, salty beaches, downwinders, and perfect beach breaks. The mirror flat lagoon of Lo Stagnone is wide and surreal with turquoise Mediterranean water, soft summer breeze, and glittery spreads of fine sand. Such favorable kitesurfing conditions help the place to have kiteboarders flying in throughout the year. If you are a kitesurfing noob, a master, or a freestyler, Lo Stagnone lagoon is right here to welcome you with its best reserves. Lo Stagnone is popular as the workout place for kiteboarders. Situated in the Marsala town of the district Trapani, towards the northern territory of Sicily this wild kite spot has an 8 square mile stretch of lagoon. Lo Stagnone offers the perfect trade wind, beach breaks with mirror flat water bed, and beautiful horizons to be stocked at. The wide stretch of beaches offers a sunny sunbathing cradle to the sea beach fanatics. If you are a freestyler, a kiteboarding brat, or simply a first-timer, Lo Stagnone offers you places according to your kitesurfing needs. Whether a laid-back traveler who wants to hang around and soak in the simple beach lifestyle, this lagoon of Italy has everything to lay hands on.

Meaningless Shutterstock Picture of Soma Bay
Egypt - Soma Bay

Soma Bay offers a huge area for kitesurfing, with crystal clear water and steady wind for most of the year. There are a few options for places to ride within Soma Bay itself and the kitesurfing conditions range from butter flat to slightly choppy depending where you are. It’s board shorts and tshirt for kiting during the summer, and only 4-5 hours flight from most of Europe, so it’s no wonder this beautiful place is such a popular destination for Europeans to kitesurf year round.

Egypt also offers an incredible amount of history and the Red sea a magnificent variety of sea life, so regardless of your reasons for visiting you won’t be disappointed.

Obidos Lagoon at flat water in Portugal
Portugal - Obidos Lagoon

The Obidos Lagoon is one of the best places in Portugal to start kiteboarding because of the shallow, waist-deep water, which is generally flat and with acres of space. The Lagoon, located one hour north of Lisbon in the Centro Region, is exposed to the full force of the Nortada wind, which is funneled in by the neighboring hills. Summer conditions are ideal, but this is a year-round kiteboarding spot as Obidos works in all wind directions and at all times of the day. There's lots of space to practice as it's generally less crowded than some of the other kite spots nearer to Lisbon. The flat water is perfect for mastering all your tricks, whether that’s relaunching your kite, first jumps, board offs, or busting your first double handle pass. Because the bottom is sandy and there are no channels to draw you out into the ocean, the Obidos Lagoon is a relatively safe area spot to learn to kitesurf, and also offers amazing freestyle kiteboarding conditions for you aspiring pro riders.

Sunset at Podersdorf in Neusiedl Austria Kite Spot
Austria - Neusiedlersee - Podersdorf

Nestled along the serene shores of Lake Neusiedl in Austria, Podersdorf has earned its reputation as a reliable kitesurfing destination. Here, we present a comprehensive guide to make the most of your kitesurfing experience in this well-known spot.

Dakhla Main Spot
Morocco - Dakhla Main Spot

The Dakhla Main Kite Spot is a very well known Kite Spot where most time europeans enjoy their passion during all year. There are serves ingenious kite conditions on around 330 kitebare wind days. The 4 kilometers of paradise for freestylers and shallow water fans, where you can either kite or book a transport. The wind is offshore, so do not go out alone.


Damit der Einstiegs ins Kitesurfen nicht gleich wieder den Austieg bedeutet ist die Wahl des richtigen Spots entscheidend. Wie ihr seht habe ich eine persönliche Präferenz für Lagunen und Flachwasserspots aufgelistet. Der nächste Schritt, nachdem die Destination klar ist, ist die Wahl einer geeigneten zertifizierten Schule. Kiteguide ist daran die Schulen mit den Kitesurf Spots zu verlinken, damit wir Euch bei diesem nächsten Schritt unterstützen können.

Besucht auch unsere Facebook Seite.

Fragen zu Spots in dieser Gruppe.


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